Thursday, February 16, 2012

DAY 17

I've made it to day 17. Just water. Let's talk about somethings that have happened so far.

  1. Enemas are important. Although I've had only 1 natural bowel movement in the last, oh, 10 days...the enemas have shown that I still have plenty of GUNK inside my intestines. Really, it's incredible. Makes you think about people who have never fasted, never taken the time to clean out their insides. Dude, you're clogging yourself.
  2. No hunger. None. Zero. Only mental deciding when I eat again, what I will eat again. Let this be inspiration. After day 7-9, it's not as hard.
  3. Spiritual - Have been so trapped in business lately I haven't been as spiritual as I would have liked lately. Did get some time to read the Torah, and Tanakh and look about how "your pot should be clean". Yeah, that's the body dude(pun intended for you Hebrew speakers.)
  4. The world fades away- Other than my personal work, I really have lost interest in news, the doomsday ppl, wars, etc. I'm just kinda, mellow. Waiting for it to be over. Thinking. Praying. 
  5. Prayers are stronger- My prayers feel stronger. I can't explain why, probably something to do with my third eye.
  6. Tongue- You know how people say your tongue get's all nasty? Well that was very true early on. Read my posts about how water is so nasty. But now, that's changed...for the better! It's weird, not my tongue and mouth are SWEET. Constantly sweet. Like it's sweet bacteria. I still brush my teeth and tongue, but in the middle between when I'm not, it's just a sweet--- taste in my mouth. Kinda like a mix between a mild peppermint and..uh...well, sugar. Funny, YOGI's say that when you do yoga(union) or Levi in Hebrew, this is the result. That you skin and tongue will emit sweetness. Manna maybe?
  7. Lost Weight- A few days ago my wife hugs me like- WOW you've lost weight. Yeah. Lots, at least 10 pds. Now I didn't loose that through the bowels. Not that much. Nor did I sweat it out, I burnt it.
  8. Sauna- I sauna with Epson salt every other day. Here's how. I turn the heat in my house high, bring in a small heater to high, and draw a bath of HOT water. By the time 10 min has passed, I'm sweating like a mad man. It's been great. Love the Epson Salt. 
  9. Tantric Yoga Easier- Google it.
  10. No desire for Sex- With that said, my desire for sex has decreased dramatically. Bye bye Porn. Even the sexy ads on site are like "eh". I've learn to admire beauty in everything. Especially plants. In fact...
  11. The Plants- Me and plants have become closer. I've grown a new found respect for them, mainly because I want to eat them. LOL. But no really, I talk to them, and maybe only in my head they respond. They want to be enjoyed. They are the messengers of light/color, and in Hebrew messenger=angel. Just something to think about. 
Ok. Now, I completed a new meal plan and have spending alot of time learning cool recipes for when this is over. I can't wait for Pesach and the months leading up to it.

Hi to all my readers, and don't be shy. Introduce yourself. Ask questions. I'm here for you. I figured, since I can't tell anyone I'm fasting, the least I can do is talk about it anonymously.

You can do it, for those fasting with me. You can do it. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Real Meaning of The Sabbath-Day 15

So, Today is the Sabbath. I subscribe to the ancient Hebrew Calendar and I follow the moon cycles which I'm sure is how my lineage did it. It was also followed in Meso America in Mayan Territory in the 13 Moon Calendar. Makes life easier really. Anyways, today I said no work. And of course, work flies from nowhere. Tons of mail that MUST be opened. Emails for that deal I've been working on, and the possibility that I may have to stop my fast to land this deal and become a Millionaire. So what do I do? Not respond? Not eat for a quick coffee break with a major business associate? SO, I'm driving. Thinking to myself, ok God I'm going to end the fast on day 22, and lock down the deal... and it shuts off. Just OFF. Completely. All the lights come on. This has never happened before, and I told my wife, after I shut off the car and restarted it, that the problem was a simple breaker that is fine. She says--- YOU ALWAYS PUT BUSINESS BEFORE GOD NOT THIS TIME. PUT GOD FIRST!!! And I have to agree. I won't end this fast even for the deal- if it means not eating- so be it. I have to begin to fully put my trust in GOD.

Oh, and it's Valentines Day. Now, duh I don't celebrate it, but my wife is all for it. So- I got her a GIANT card, fixed her breakfast, lunch and dinner- roses- candy etc etc. So let me say, that despite cooking throughout my entire fast, I am not hungry. Tired, yes. Dehydrated- sure am. Hungry? Not a bit. My wife is astonished. "Aren't you hungry?" Nope, I explained to her how my body is using it's energy stored and how ingenious the human body is. Truly a masterful work of art. NOW, that isn't to say that cooking during a 40 day fast is any easier- it isn't.

After this post, I'm digging back into scripture. Noting how the pots must be clean to be filled. Clean your pot reader...clean your pot.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Emotional Wreck

I think I now know what it feels like to have PMS. I'm an emotional wreck, argued all day, screaming etc. Lost my voice. Just irritated, and my wife isn't in a perfect state of mind either due to work, so that doesn't help. Overworked underpaid is always the case right? Decided to listen to some classical to calm me down and Canon in D had me in full blown tears. Yeah- I'm right there. Had to let you know.


I'm on day--13 and I've been doing very well up to today. But today I'm just irritated and angry that I can't enjoy food. Been arguing with my wife and she doesn't deserve the anger that I have inside. I warned her at the start that emotionally I could be up and down and man was I right. This is my first down. I could sit here and pour out my heart to you, like you wouldn't believe.

 Last night was easier and I was at a dinner with 200 people where I simply refused to eat and had my plate wrapped up which I'm serving my wife tonight. So irritated.

Few days ago, I passed a tapeworm. Which made me infuriated. My mother told me as a young child, jokingly, that I had a tapeworm because I could eat large quantities and not gain weight. Well, she was right, and I probably had that worm for 20 years or so. I won't give up until I have none left, and hope that was the source of my intestinal issues. My urine is still dark yellow, as if I'm cleaning and I've learned maybe 200 recipes for when I come off fast.  Dreamed about food last night. Burgers, I think I will start using the technique to really hone my visualization skills.

Energetically, I get exhausted quickly, just feeling drained. I can also, physically feel the energy being utilized from my tissues and the healing process. The body is so amazing. Incredible actually. That's all for now.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Passover and prices on other days

Checking up on passover meal pricing now that I know what I must buy. Good buns expensive, rather stick with bread. Hard to get good seafood up here. Sigh.
Day 9 morning. Irritated because all water tastes HORRIBLE. I've tried many brands. Only ICELAND ph 8.8 is good. And expensive. *sigh*

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Beat the urge

SO, let me tell you the situation and how I beat my urge to quit the fast.
I have been invited to a major dinner event with my wife. (Just my luck huh.) And EVERYONE I need to be there for my new business will be there. SO I figured I didn't want to be rude and not eat. So I've been struggling back and forth because if I didn't break the fast today I won't be able to eat in time for the event anyways. So after some serious thinking and praying I decided not to break my fast. To me, this was the third  temptation by the devil analogous to Jesus. "All this could be yours! If you 'cast yourself down' " Ah naw, I'm good. Get behind me adversary. You see, the FALLING of Jesus from the spiritual pinnacle back to the state of SAGE would have been achieved by eating. Anyone who has fasted KNOWS, that eating is the devil. LOL. Ok not exactly, it's almost as if you are feeding a "food demon". The USA has done a great job of feeding these "Food Demons" with corporations that help make us sick after years of bad eating. Ironically, in other countries, that is not the case. With healthy food in places like Egypt (Falafel), or Japan etc etc! Let's be honest, we have an obesity problem, which is leading to heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the USA. Ironically, fasting, eating right (non-gmo,less dairy etc) would help tremendously.

Now I know what you are thinking. "But BRO, didn't Jesus say it matters not what goes IN the mouth, but what goes OUT!" Yeah, but let's look at the difference of then and now. THEN, all food was organic. You could walk in a field and eat am ear of corn straight- no pesticides or gmo issues to worry about. So yea, it mattered not what went in- IT WAS ALL HEALTHY. Boy oh BOY,how has that changed!

I feel good about my decision. Besides, I could live with loosing the biz deal because I didn't eat, but couldn't live with myself if I loose the deal because I did! I will get the other dinner wrapped up to go, and take it home for my wife.
Looks like I'm going to break my fast tonight :-(. But, I've made the lifestyle change I had in mind AND met God. So it's a win.
Good news is, I've redesigned my families weekly meal plan to get it close to the 80/20 rule. Introducing new foods like falafel, and bruschetta. Wife=love it!
But having to fast while's most difficult. I've been in prayer. Can't you smell it? Smh smmfh
Well. Its day 8 and I just cooked my fav lunch for my wife and am officially HUNGRY. It smells so good. Going off to the wilderness is 1 thing...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 8 was incredible

SO! Day 8 was yesterday and was the sabbath. I kept it almost perfectly (I did take out the trash :-( ) But I had my first major spiritual breakthrough. People say "God spoke to me" and for the first time I can say, I felt that. It was strange yet invigorating. Sooooo many things came to light immediately and I almost wanted to just stop eating because I felt like it was over. I'd been given the answers I was seeking, but lo' I'm going to see this to the end. I still have some "demons to cast out". For those reading who are thinking about possibly doing a fast, it won't be easy, but YOU SHOULD. Period.Got some real good rest today. Wild dreams, I bought one of those feminine eye cover things= more darkness= which has been creating more Melatonin in my mind= better more vivid dreams. Try it. Read the Torah/Bible closely Chapter 30, deep how the Children of Jacob (including Dinah) spell a sentence. Deep really. We are the sheep. Um, still having mental hunger but not much physically. OH, I wanted to add that the one thing I am tasting, water, was become more acute. I can taste the differences between the "spring" water and the tap water (and my tap water is rather good I live in the boonies and it's fresh from an aquifer). I can only imagine what the response to food will be like. I planned the first holy day of this next year (following the Hebrew Calendar). That is, PESACH! Or passover/easter. Now, let me say I will be doing the holiday according to the outline in the Torah- not according to the Traditions set my the Jews. Sorry guys I'm ole' school. Either way, I'm very excited and I've already learned how good for you lamb, red wine (in moderation) and whole grain bread is to a healthful diet! God knows what he is doing! So I'd suggest you all do this as well. I love you and wish blessings upon you and yours.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Furthermore, let me add, I've cooked for my family each of those 7 days. I've come convinced that on day 22, I will have some spiritual breakthrough :-)
Broke the hunger. YES! 7th day and I finally don't feel hungry anymore. Almost a feeling of eerie peace. Btw, this is my previous record for a water fast.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

".... Now you will question whether you are doing what you should with your life. The temptation is to decide that you are not, and to give up. Others may try to convince you that you are on the wrong course and give you very demoralizing advice. Of course, you may in fact be wrong in some area, and there you should change course. But you must avoid the tendency to cave in." <----- I couldn't have said it better myself. #stayfocused
Please don't get mad but I need to vent. I'm nearing day 7, which was my previous record for a water only, and this case tea included, fast. Last night I had a dream about Mc Donalds. Now I don't eat at Mc Donalds nearly ever, but it looked SOOO good during the dream. Furthermore, while I'm fasting, I'm trying to get my wife to eat more nutritious so I've been cooking for her, which is really just making things worse. No, really. So not only am I hungry, but very weak and tired. My wife noticed today that I was stumbling. Yes. I did get to do some Yoga today and also some sunbathing. Honestly, I don't know what to do. Should I have attempted a juice fast for 40 days first? Yes, I think so. I'd advise it to anyone thinking of doing this. On the other hand, I can now see my demons. Those I must face. So I understand what it meant for Jesus to be tempted- 3 times, 2 times with food. AND i'm only on day 7. SMH. This is my place to vent so thanks for listening. It also, keeps me honest. You get to see what's on my mind every step of the way, as I am being sincere about this fast.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

So--- This is day 5 and I've had another cup of Herbal Tea to assure the healing is taking place in my body. It was, Roobios tea. I feel sick, have all day really, and I think this will be the last bit of tea I will enjoy. From here on out- all water. Def. can taste the "toxins" on my tongue and brushing my tongue is not helping. Very tired. My wife said I've been torturing myself because I've been researching recipe's for Passover and also veg. recipes since after this I'm probably going to convert to a 80/20 raw and veg diet, with only meats on special occasions. So, I have plenty of vegetarian websites I've been looking at and both of which I enjoy immensely and also I have a few books. Torture, slightly. Other than that I reread the gospel of peace which confirms this is a necessity to clear my body/mind/soul of all issues. Focus baby. I am ready to continue. I should also add, I watched "Food Matters" the documentary before this fast began. Yea- it helped ALOT. Thanks for reading. :-)

Friday, February 3, 2012

D4: astrologically, I'm in the right spot as well. Mars retro to help me calm and focus on internal. Bowel moves normal, start nma tomorrow. Goodnight.
D4: Had a mid day nap after day full of errands. Sunbathed for about 1 hr. Had to cook twice. Hard to maintain while house smell like food. :-t #focued
Day 4 complete. No food but did drink detox tea, passed on the Kombucha because of caffiene. I'll drink that when I'm off fast. Exhausted but not hungry.
Days 4 coming to end. Feeling reeeal sick. I have so kombucha herbal tea to assist my immune system. Did alot grocery shopping, snow shoveling etc. Tired.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hunger hits @ 5pm. Had weird tingling on my hands. Like when your leg falls asleep, but more a radiating energy. Still on :-) day#2.5 Made a big Biz move.
Ok, so I've made it past day 2... That was a bit difficult but whatever. Bow move, chk. Stomach feels very empty, and head hurts. I'm in it for the long haul.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Overcome. If it kills me, it kills me. I will not let this fast stop. Halleluyah!
Now although my urine is clear,my bowels feel stuck so I will have another meal of fruit/veg/orrice before going all out. I'm trying to talk myself out of it!'s my decision, but first let me say, in the last month leading up to this fast I've eated normally, and leading up to starting I had 1 salad on day -2
Actually need to see if I can hurt myself by not easing into it? Do I need 2 days or so of just 1 simple meal? Let me see...
2nd day in, Urine almost completely clear. Very hungry. Doesn't help I cook for my family. Very...*fight it*
So far, I've had plenty of water a mix hot tea of Noni and Roobios. I want to help arm my body as much as possible with nutrients. :-/
Sundown. Starting to hear my mind try to convince myself to eat SOMETHING a bowl of rice. It's a fight already. Smh