Thursday, February 16, 2012

DAY 17

I've made it to day 17. Just water. Let's talk about somethings that have happened so far.

  1. Enemas are important. Although I've had only 1 natural bowel movement in the last, oh, 10 days...the enemas have shown that I still have plenty of GUNK inside my intestines. Really, it's incredible. Makes you think about people who have never fasted, never taken the time to clean out their insides. Dude, you're clogging yourself.
  2. No hunger. None. Zero. Only mental deciding when I eat again, what I will eat again. Let this be inspiration. After day 7-9, it's not as hard.
  3. Spiritual - Have been so trapped in business lately I haven't been as spiritual as I would have liked lately. Did get some time to read the Torah, and Tanakh and look about how "your pot should be clean". Yeah, that's the body dude(pun intended for you Hebrew speakers.)
  4. The world fades away- Other than my personal work, I really have lost interest in news, the doomsday ppl, wars, etc. I'm just kinda, mellow. Waiting for it to be over. Thinking. Praying. 
  5. Prayers are stronger- My prayers feel stronger. I can't explain why, probably something to do with my third eye.
  6. Tongue- You know how people say your tongue get's all nasty? Well that was very true early on. Read my posts about how water is so nasty. But now, that's changed...for the better! It's weird, not my tongue and mouth are SWEET. Constantly sweet. Like it's sweet bacteria. I still brush my teeth and tongue, but in the middle between when I'm not, it's just a sweet--- taste in my mouth. Kinda like a mix between a mild peppermint and..uh...well, sugar. Funny, YOGI's say that when you do yoga(union) or Levi in Hebrew, this is the result. That you skin and tongue will emit sweetness. Manna maybe?
  7. Lost Weight- A few days ago my wife hugs me like- WOW you've lost weight. Yeah. Lots, at least 10 pds. Now I didn't loose that through the bowels. Not that much. Nor did I sweat it out, I burnt it.
  8. Sauna- I sauna with Epson salt every other day. Here's how. I turn the heat in my house high, bring in a small heater to high, and draw a bath of HOT water. By the time 10 min has passed, I'm sweating like a mad man. It's been great. Love the Epson Salt. 
  9. Tantric Yoga Easier- Google it.
  10. No desire for Sex- With that said, my desire for sex has decreased dramatically. Bye bye Porn. Even the sexy ads on site are like "eh". I've learn to admire beauty in everything. Especially plants. In fact...
  11. The Plants- Me and plants have become closer. I've grown a new found respect for them, mainly because I want to eat them. LOL. But no really, I talk to them, and maybe only in my head they respond. They want to be enjoyed. They are the messengers of light/color, and in Hebrew messenger=angel. Just something to think about. 
Ok. Now, I completed a new meal plan and have spending alot of time learning cool recipes for when this is over. I can't wait for Pesach and the months leading up to it.

Hi to all my readers, and don't be shy. Introduce yourself. Ask questions. I'm here for you. I figured, since I can't tell anyone I'm fasting, the least I can do is talk about it anonymously.

You can do it, for those fasting with me. You can do it. 

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